Son dating older woman

Dating > Son dating older woman

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Keep in mind, your son is young and naive, but she isn't. I am 23 and she is 30. This is a big reason why younger men find older women so attractive. So she definitely has great genetics. It takes a great deal of the gusto off of them and the relationship. He has no problem with the age difference but I do. He was in an unhappy marriage. son dating older woman Younger men have more respect for older women because they are more successful and have more experience than women their own age. But hey…people idea on other people no matter what. I am miserable and I want out of this marriage but I know this man loves the dirt I walk on and I know he would be devastated. A 40 year old man who wants children should be dating a glad woman.

There are a few things at play here. And not for the reasons you may think. Not only is she at her most confident, but this woman has got it together. She supports herself and is very in touch with her needs. Some younger men feel like they can learn from her and that she has enough life experience for both of them. The problem, however, can be that an older woman is simply a challenge for the younger man. Ultimately, in this scenario, being younger impacts his values. And since we believe a match made in heaven is based on common values, you may be setting yourself up to be in a mismatch from the get-go. This is EXTREMELY important and will make or break where your relationship is headed. In order for the relationship to thrive, you must find places in the relationship where you can be in your feminine. Ask him for help around the house, put him in charge of travel, let him cook you a special meal, and be comfortable in sharing your vulnerabilities with him. However, other studies have shown that divorce rates have absolutely nothing to do with age differences between men and women. Why would a 38 year old man marry a 68 year old woman? He was dating the older woman who never married and while in his current relationship. He and the older woman went to the court house and married 90 days later. The younger and older woman belong to the same church and in the same praise group. The older woman has a daughter 50 yrs old and a granddaughter 30 yrs old. Can this relationship last because she to have health issue. Just asking I wish them well, but when he turns 60 she will be 90 yrs old. Fir the rest — live has no age simple. You can come with all your theories of older women and their toy boys and as true as they may be there is still love. That moment when nothing else matters and u give ur life to someone… Well truth is this happens between men and women up to 40 years in age difference. Im 24 and she is 39, Her biggest concern is the age and the physical aspect of her being older than me, My biggest concern is if I can man up to be the guy she needs into the future, I am just starting my career and finding my feet in life. I just dont know if I can be the Adult she needs yet. I also want kids so does she, but we will have to be trying in the next few years, where it was something I only wanted to do later in my 30s. Im also concerned that her being older will affect us because although I dont care about it, I know her getting older bothers her and even at 39 she looks like she is in here late 20s, but she is always going on about changing herself when she ages. Our relationship is amazing currently and we are both completely in love but im scared its not enough and that fear is causing me to be unsure if we can make it work. Its like I found my wife but were on different time tables and I dont know if a marriage with an age gap this big can last the challenges we might face. Its so hard to know what will happen and if it will all workout. I dont want to end it because its magical and she is the most important part in my life. I can see my-self with her into the future but Im also scared of it not working because the challenges are just too big and us having to end it on a bad note or with kids involved. I wish I could date my college teacher. She is 33 and I am 21 and I feel a connection between us,I know when I am liked,she always asks me if I do not understand something to come to her desk and ask her everything. Once I just went to say hi and we spent like half an hour talking about all kinds of stuff,she seemed quite open. I know that she was never married. There are moments when she just tries to ignore me but she always cracks a smile when I look at her. Men are very firm in their decisions due to their powerful logic and reasoning and don not play mind games like women do. We went out for a year, then moved in together, then married. We have been married 31 years. Unfortunately, six years after we married, she started on a long trail of serious health issues, that still continue to this day. The intimate side of our relationship ended 11 years ago and I have been asexual ever since, difficult for someone with my drive. The rest of the relationship has also started to fall apart. As she is now 77 and virtually housebound, she has tried to become a control freak around what I can do, where I can go, how long for etc. She has also become incredibly jealous, to the point where I cannot talk to a woman in her presence and went I am not with her, I must be seeing someone. This relationship will end soon, as she has driven the love away and I am more here out of pity and keeping my early promise not to stick her in a home. Sure there there are many others, both men and woman, in this situation. Im 37 and my boyfriend is turn 23 in a week. We been together over a year.. Hes been around my youngest most her life, her dad was in jail most of the time. My family doesnt agree and has been hateful since we actually started dating we were friends first couple months he came to my moms for holidays until we were official. We argue more bout my family more then anything. Everyone makes it an age issue around us. What should I do? Forty eight year old woman here with a 29 year old husband. After being abused in my first marriage, I divorced after 3 years, no children. I lived in an apartment and he was an insurance guy who was trying to sell me a policy. He is so handsome I was hooked immediately. He made a date to come back that evening and we ended up in bed! We have now been married over eight years and its wonderful! He is EVERYTHING a woman could want. My one concern is that much younger women always come on to him!! The fact is that so many men in my age group are developing Erectile problems and its the cause of much problems in a marriage. We both love sex so much and he is fantastic, I will enjoy him as long as possible!! I am 23 and she is 30. I loved her and cared about her as much as I could. But she always compared with her Ex. I admire her but she always want to be the boss. She thinks I am a kid and she think she know all the thing. These were small problems. The big one is that as she is older, she had her loved ones or soul mate and she will always love him. Now, she choose her Ex, dated him back no matter how I loved her. Mae and I spent 22 years as lovers,best friends,soulmates! Our 38 year difference in age never came into question! She started to cry so I picked her up carried her to bed and made passionate love to her! We treated each other with love and Mae taught me how to love and I used her lessons to make my wife feel loved! I have had a few truly serious relationships with younger men, and I always get hurt. The latest one…we broke it off 2 months ago. I was very hurt. I realized I had feelings for him. When we talked about it he still wanted to see me but look for someone closer to his own age who he could potentially have kids with. I feel like I got used. So yes it hurts. Always feel early on IF he is mr. IMO: Dating older women is a blessing. I think it really for me has to be as in a necessity premise on not materialistic,but i love the fact when i am with a older woman? She is more affectionate, passionate, mature big plus for this latino. Even in high school i crush on my older teacher thirty-two and i was only sixteen or fifteen,and at 17 another teacher, so there you go lol I personally knew i would marry 1 day older, and i do not care if she is way older, i try to stay under 20 years older but will go as high as thirty years IF we connect more than just the great sex with an older woman. I love older women. IMO they are not old yet, just Older women. I will marry an older lady, over 10 to fifteen or 20 years and i am going to be happy with just that. Both of us growing old together and as ONE happy unit. We sure can adopt if we choose. Glad to be here. Xavier 215 302 DE. Part 6 When I turned 38 Mae was 76 our 38 years difference in age! We had a couple drinks to celebrate then I carried Mae to bed. We made love and fell asleep in each others arms! I got up dressed went home jumped in the shower my wife joined me I carried her to bed and made love to her on my birthday in the morning! Part 5 The reason it worked for Mae and I was the 38 years between us didnt bother us and since my wife was busy with work and allowed me to be oncall for Mae it was great. Mae loved that from the first time I made love to her I would call her and thank her for a great time. I told her after the second month that I loved her and her response was I care for you very much. Finally on our 1st anniversary of our affair my wife was away on business Mae and I went out for dinner I brought her roses and back to my house. I carried her up to bed and made love to her I told her I loved her and she finally said I love you. Part 4 My wife gives my cell number to Mae so I can help her since I am handy fixing things. Mae and I make up a list of fix it projects to keep me coming for Mae! My wife having to go out of town on business even suggests I go to neighborhood pool party with Mae as my date! She tells Mae that I am her date and keep a certain blonde neighbor away from me! One neighbor told my wife your husband and Mae are having a affair! I gave her his phone number so he can help her. Mae and I went to the pool party and the neighbor that told my wife came by to talk to us! I walked Mae home and at the front door knowing she was watching we shared a long passionate kiss! I told my wife I kissed Mae because the neighbor was watching! My wife laughed saying she will be calling me to tell on you! Part 3 I being 30 and my wife 22 made it easy for me to have Mae 68 as my mistress! My wife was thin but large chest 36dds! Mae would wake me at 3 we would make love again I would shower with Mae and get home in time to make supper! This made Mae and I getting together so much easier and my wife never dreamed that I would take a lover 38 years older when I had a wife 8 years younger! I first saw Mae I was 23. The second time I was 30. I knew she was older but I didnt know how old. We hit it off from the start. Her husband left her for a younger woman and I was married 3 months when I found Mae the second time. Our affair lasted 22 years til alshiemers claimed her mind. Her sister met me at her home a couple years earlier in Maes home and said we tried fixing her up with men her age but she turned them down now I understand why. My wife knew Mae but never dreamed I was in bed with her every week. For the past 2 and a half years I have been dating a guy 14 years my junior. He is 32 and I am 46. I have 3 kids and he has none. We go through daily teenage tantrums and toddler activities and needs. He has a very good heart and extremely affectionate and loves the kids. I never experienced such goodness in previous relationships. The battles I face though as an older woman is firstly he is unemployed and cannot maintain a job. His sexual drive is extremely low. Also my kids get irritated because if they ask me a question then he would respond. I know he is just trying to be part of the family and respect him for that. How do I maintain the balance as I would not one to loose him. He even love me more than I do. Sometimes I imagined that if all those men that ever per sued me lined up I still choose him over them though he may not stable financially yet but he is working on it now. We know what we are thinking, we supports, encourage or motivate each other. I really appreciate it when he shares his problems, fear, doubt, accomplishments in school or job even when he being happy. Make it easy for me to communicate with him and he respects my space as well. He seems to be more matured than his age and always think in advanced. Then I found out that he actually become serious with me which I never thought it all and now he planning to come for visit again. I had ask few closed friends of mine just to know their opinions mostly they are very supportive and told me not to break his heart except some of them disagreed coz of age. I never ask him about his family reactions but he going to introduce me to one of his family members. And one of my friends said it does not mean that if you choose someone with the same age like yours can guaranteed you a happy marriage. All depends on you and your partner to determine which course or journey you going to embark as long you guys happy. Hello, some years ago I met a guy who was is 30+ years younger than me, he was the most amazing man I ever met and guess what…now we are happily married, we share everything together, we are living a perfect reationship. I think the key of everything is communication and how mature the man is. Everybody deserve to be happy…. Age is just a number after all… I am 23 and my fiancé is 39. We have been together for nearly 2 years and have a baby girl together. She also has 3 sons. I love her more than I thought I could ever love someone. I see how good of a mother she is to our children and it makes me love her all the more. She is the kindest most loving person I have ever met and I have been all over this nation and never met anyone like her. We plan to marry in June and I do not take such a commitment lightly. I intend to be there for her until death do us part. I would put my life in her hands and she would do the same for me. We have a love that is the envy of all her friends, not because of my physical appearance, but because of how well I treat her and how happy we are together. If there is a huge age gap, I could see there being some kind of issue in the long term but for the most part, age does not matter. Maturity, common goals, and dedication are deciding factors with age gapped relationships. My ex and I were married for almost 20 years and together for most of 28 years He was 10 years younger … met him when he was 27 married him when he was 36 and I was 46. Age was not a factor in our divorce Due to a health issue when I was 31, he was aware I was unable to have children which happens to many women during their child bearing years for one reason or another. It also was not a factor in our divorce. My father died 22 years ago and my mother is still living and relatively healthy at age 93. Men marry women much much younger all the time and no one blinks an eye. There is no rule that women cannot do the same and it makes so much more sense for a woman to be older. Many people are fine being childless. As long as the person is an adult and not developmentally delayed in some way and is not capable of making a thought out decision regarding who they will marry.. Again, as I said previously, men marry young women all the time with little flack. While I personally just think people… both men and women…. No matter how old their partner is at the time. What is important is they are mature enough to understand the seriousness of partnering legally and understanding their own needs in a partner. I am 45 and was in a relationship with a 32 yr. I had dismissed any kind of relationship in my head as I just assumed we would want different things. I already have a ten year old son from my previous marriage. It would take a very special person for me to let into my son and my my life. Of course there are all forms of human depravity but realistically any man in his 20s or 30s going out with a 50 year old is a loser looking for his mommy. This woman has been married 5 times and most of them seem to be, at least partially,career decisions. Directors, producers and collaborators who she got work with. Maybe Alla Pugacheva does. A 30 year old and a 50 year old can still have a lot in common and be physically compatible. Most of us start to look older and feel older. For most men the physical attraction will wane. He may start to think he made a mistake years earlier and then both of you will get hurt. Money makes a difference. It is all about maturity. These men should be thinking about their future such as being in a committed relationship and having family and yet, Cougars take advantage of them which is nothing but egotistical narcissistic selfishness. Usually, it is only the more physically attractive women who doing this power-trip, for spite against their EX, for sex, middle-life crisis, and so they should seek help or at least listen to their relatives. A dead end road. Recently I met a 51 year old woman. She is 10 years older than me. We are physically and emotionally attracted to each other. I chased her and she eventually cougar seduced me. She also met my friend who is 37 but she is not emotionally attracted to him. On our 1st date recently she told me that she was 51 and I was in complete shock. She to me looks 31-32 years old. The only deal breaker for me is someday I want to have a child to continue the family name. Her reply was not one I liked but everything else I like about her. For now I will put that aside but if I meet a younger women who can have kids then I might have to move on from my sexy cougar. The article DID leave 1important thing out however. So i met this man i believe be 5~10yrs younger than me. I am 45and have 3children. He however had NOT been married nor has children and would like them. I am 47 and met a guy 20 years my junior last year. Started out as friends cos we shared the same interests. Never expected of me to meet and fall for a guy with a wide age gap but was surprised when he reciprocated. Meanwhile i will just go with the flow and enjoy the process of being in love again. He cares for me a real gentleman I get shocked and surprised. He amazed me all the time. Is it too good to be true? He never asked me for anything in months both make our own money. Its like all we want is eachothers time. We say we LOVE eachother. Is it to soon? I am living with a friend I met on the internet, he is 47 and I am 59. He has told me he only wants a friendship but I would like more. I am not sure really if he finds me unattractive or just not sexually alluring but we do get on so well. I have been living with him for the last 7 months on and off as I am also a part time carer for my mum and cannot be there during the week. He said he finds women want to control him in relationships and he is happy as he is just having friendships rather than relationships but the funny thing is we live like husband and wife without the sex. We cook for each other and could easily get mistaken for husband and wife. We sat up a few weeks back until 5am talking about things that had happened to him in his life and he told me some pretty awful things that had happened to him as a child. I wanted to kiss and hug him but I feel frightened of scaring him if I start touching him too much let alone trying to kiss him. I sometimes feel that he really would like things to go further between us but denies it if we talk. I would not swap him for anyone else, I just wish I could have met him when I was a little younger. I love her very much, we talk about everything. Been together 2 yrs. Something I had never believed in until him. I adore him, he adores me. He saved me, I saved him. At first I was a little shy in public. But hey…people hate on other people no matter what. And one of the best things about being 50 is the ability to not care about what others think or say. Laying in the arms of the man who loves me. Nothing compares to being loved and loving someone. I love being in love with him. He is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Neither of them will ever be able of accepting him. Ive been divorced 14 yrs. The other two were my age. My oldest son hated them as well. They both have violently attacked him. I fear for his life, I fear for my sons. I have decided that the answer lies within each of my sons. It is not my obligation to provide an answer to them. It would never occur to me to ask either of them for an explanation as to why they love who they have chosen to love. I am happy that they love and are loved. I have made all parental sacrifices, done the best of my ability to be half the mother to them as my mother was to me. I love them both. I want to be a factor in their lives. It is what it is. My heart aches for them. I fear I will die before they will accept who I love. Leaving them with a burden of guilt. I know they know how much I love them. I had such a nice time and he is so laid back and cool, but I find myself now wanting it to just go away. I am probably better at taking care of my health than he is and more physically active. But he is so darn cute and sweet with no stupid attitude. I really appreciated this. But it was nice for a short weekend. Our problems start with her grown kids. One son threatened my life street-thug and stole a tv from me I placed in his mothers bedroom. Another child of hers recently broke into her bedroom again and stole a weapon of mine, made up a elaborate story, causing confusion among their family members. Those issues along with constant accusations, lies, brats have contributed to us growing apart. Wizard: I think your advice is for insecure guys who just want a female they can control. Most men who are confident in themselves would go for any woman they love regardless of age. But sadly it is true that younger women are totally clueless and ignorant about the real principles of life and that is why they are more controllable by macho men. Aww, that is so sweet.. Just ask her out! We have a lot in common and are the best of friends, and love each other deeply. At age 43 I got pregnant by accident and lost the baby. I feel bad about that and wish I could give him a child. We are getting married in 5 months and our families are really happy for us. I take good care of myself. Wow, I thought I was alone in the world. A few months ago, I invited him to hang out with me and my 25 year old niece. My niece went to bed and he and I wound up talking until 2 in the morning. A few weeks later, he and I went to a bar with my 25 year old niece and her 43 year old boyfriend. That was rather confusing for our waiter! Now, my 27 year old friend and I go out frequently. We love the same things — amusement and water parks, zip lines, scary movies and Mexican food. When I read about you and your partner I felt a bit of a relief. Goodluck to you both , I hope it works out. My girlfriend and I been together for over 6 years. Physical, emotional, and intellectuality a perfect fit. However, family plays a very negative role in our relationship. We also know public perception would not been kind. Her career tanked and physical health caused her outlook to change to acceptance. Only way we overcome is our bond and understanding each other. Physical connection does that. Yes, our sex is amazing. This article gives me some encouragement. About 7 years I met someone at work casually until one day she invited a few co-workers to her house for a get-together. I was the only one that could make it. We talked a lot I mostly listened. She was 47 at the time and I was 28. She told me all about her life. How her husband who made 500k a year of 20 years cheated on her many times, her daughter has severe mental illness and other things. At this time I thought we were just two people talking. Until some of her stories got emotional and she began to break down and cry little. Then she took me into her bedroom. I had no idea she wanted to sleep with me. A couple weeks later she asked if I wanted hang out with her and I did. The same thing happened. After the first time I really liked her, then after the third or fourth time, I started to have feelings for. She was perfect and very attractive to me. I never told her my feelings about her and she always initiated everything and we really went out one time. But about a month later she said that the age gap was a problem because of what other people might say or think. Then she said was worried that I might leave her later on for someone else and she would feel bad for staying with when she gets very old or sick. She told me that she told her aunt about us and she was happy for her. She asked me to be friends with her, but I thought she just wanted to sleep with someone else. She even told me that I was the best lover she ever had. All this talk about our relationship was done by e-mail. I tried dating a few girls my age, but no one clicked. I know I will never find anyone remotely likely again. Maybe I am trying for a second chance. Hi there — I am reading all of these comments from people — I am finding it interesting. I am a 53 year woman interested in a 38 year old man I have known for over 6 years. He met me when I was at my worst — I was recovering from a neck fusion that had gone badly. He was in an unhappy marriage. He is Indian and gorgeous, smart, fun, etc. I have been attracted and liked him this whole time — he was married when I met him but very unhappy but he stayed true to his ex-wife. I always thought there was an attraction between us. Now we are back in touch and things with our friendship are great — we also have some romance going too. We have not slept together — maybe because of his culture, he recently lost his job — that is a big deal with him — he is looking — plus he took over everything financially following his divorce. He is very stressed. I am giving him space. Everytime we see each other we get physical. He is more mature than any guy my age or older that I have ever been involved with. I am hoping it turns into a real romance. He once told me he likes older women. You would never know I am 53. People think I am in my mid to late 30s at the most. I take care of myself even following 2 neck fusions. He is not using me clearly for sex as we have not gone there yet — I am hoping we do, but I want it to mean that he is ready to move forward. I think what maybe holding him back is his situation following his divorce. I have a 14 year old son through invitro — I was engaged once — never married. He was married once as I said for 10 years got married at 25. Divorced almost 2 years. He has a 9 year old daughter. I do not think he wants more children since we have 2 between us. My attitude is I am just going to watch and wait — see what happens — he needs space right now — no pressure — but I will be honest I hope he comes around and soon. I am supportive — he has been supportive of me — he is very spiritual and philosophical. He used to text me these wonderful philosophical quotes but that was before he lost his job and became so stressed. I have a lot of stress to but I think we could really help each other out. I think we would be great together. I do not think it is the cultural things as his first wife was white as I am. I sure do not care what race he is. I just want it to move somewhere — I see myself with him. Knowing him prior to our first romantic experience and then to see him freak out was a surprise and I thought he reacted badly. Then the time went by and we got in touch. I did not know if anything would happen but it has each time we have been together — he must be attracted to me — I think he always has been but again he stayed true to his unhappy marriage — I respect him for that plus I would never get involved with a married man no matter how unhappy he is. I met his wife — I have been to parties at their house when they were together — all in friendship. Now here we are. Hello pat please help me. Well im 27 and i been talking to a 47 lady she is very nice we met at work and she is a nurse never thought someone with a high profession would be interested in me btw she asked for my number and told me that i was good looking and friendly and told me on the spot if there was a way we could hand out and get to know each other. We just made our relationship official on Facebook last weekend. He visited me and it was wonderful! He lives in a different state and has to drive over 30 hours to see me. I find him adorable and am head over heels for him. He also has a reputation of being a ladies man and sending pics of his junk to all the pretty ladies on FB. I really wish I would have held off on marriage. This is my second marriage and he is a great guy;however, very unstable. I find myself less attracted to him as the days go by to a point that I do not want him touching me. I try not to hurt his feelings but if this marriage is going to work, I have to be totally honest with him. I can not pretend like I am happy. I am miserable and I want out of this marriage but I know this man loves the dirt I walk on and I know he would be devastated. I have tried to end it several times but he insists on working it out. I am the realist, it will not work. I have a foot out and he is holding on tight to the other.. No more younger men!!! Hi I just turned 50 when my now fiancé proposed. I was married for 28 years and have two children aged 24 and 21. It still freaks us both out when we talk about the age gap. Everything started because he wanted to try an older woman since he was only with his first girlfriend who is 4 years younger then him. We work together in the same job and am also one of his Manager, I know it was wrong but we did fell in love. I did a lot for our relationship just to make him feel good and happy since he used to complained that his girlfriend was very immature and did not treat him right. Everything was good and working out I even told my ex husband about it and to some of my closets friends who were ok with it. We always end up going back with each other since we love each other so much. I trusted him with my eyes close until I found out that his girlfriend and him were always in a relationship while him and I were together. When he told her about me she freaked out and moved out of his house where he lived with his parents and sister. His mother freaks out on him and his father and they told him to break it up and to do it ASAP. Two weeks ago his girlfriend called me because she wanted to know about him and I and how long we were together, I told her everything and she started crying. To make the story short he decided to break my heart and leave me and ask his ex for forgiveness since his mother told him that I was too old for him and besides that my son and him are the same age.. Am so heart broken still it only been 3 weeks since all of that happen, and a week an half since he started changing with me. I wanna to let him go but is so hard because I miss him so much. Please give me an advice of what should I do. Thanks I am in a three year relationship so far with a 36 year old man and I am 48. I feel that he is more distant, and I believe that may be an issue though he does not directly say so. However, we do love each other and spend time with both of our families as well. I think if we were to break up it would have less to do with our age gap than other things at this point. I think a woman has to have a very strong self confidence to date a handsome younger man. I think each situation is unique and all relationships have their difficulties. I do not regret anything about our relationship whether or not it will stand the test of time. I have promised myself not to date any one younger than I am………. I would rather date someone who 20 years older and be happy and safe than dating someone younger and crying at the end, besides age means nothing what matters is the love and mutual understanding between both parties. My common law wife is 9 years older than me I just turned 35 , I think alot has to do with being IN LOVE. When I net her 8 years ago we had sex ALOT, now I generally sleep in a different room because I wake up 6 or so hrs ealier than her….. This is a warning for younger guys with older women….. A SKIP the MILF, if you need money…. I have found my best relationships are with men 5 to 10 yrs younger does this make me a freak. Once people have kids and have a career going why should it matter. The problem I have now is all the men who want someone in my age group want me to quite my job and spend all my time on them. I am going to have to work til I am in my 70s if I plan on having any cushion. I am a baby boomer and there are almost no one in my age group. For 70 yr old men a relationship is about them. I am like in late 20s and she is in late 30s I believe. I am really in love with her sweet voice and elegant personality. Her cuteness and politeness has just crushed me …. I am really in awe of her…. She is well educated, highly experienced and skillful in her profession like of Senior Management Cadre and I am like a junior level person in the organization. She regards high of me and has praised me couple of times but strictly for professional reasons since we never communicated so much on personal level as such as I also find it necessary to maintain decorum in the office. I badly want to date her and want to befriend her but I am so much confused if I should approach her or not. BDW she is single according to my sources but I am not sure if she is seeing anyone or whether she would approve of this all craziness. Is it just an infatuation??? I am attracted towards a lady who is like almost 8 years older than me. I am like 24 and she is in mid 30ies I guess. I am really in love with her sweet voice and elegant personality. Her cuteness and politeness has just crushed me …. I am really in awe of her…. She is well educated, highly experienced and skillful in her profession like of Senior Management Cadre and I am like a junior level person in the organization. She regards high of me and has praised me couple of times but strictly for professional reasons since we never communicated so much on personal level as such as I also find it necessary to maintain decorum in the office. The bad thing is she just left I badly want to date her and want to befriend her but I am so much confused if I should approach her or not. BDW she is single according to my sources but I am not sure if she is seeing anyone or whether she would approve of this all craziness. Is it just an infatuation??? I am really confused… I can only hope that if she gets to read this message she realizes herself and approach me… I swear I would grab it like kids do with chocolate. I am a young 74 and have always attracted much younger men. I have found the real love of my life in a 44 year old Jamaican American who determinedly pursued me and won me. He has no ulterior motives…our sex life is unbelievably wonderful and he is intelligent, funny, deeply caring and my dearest friend. I am oblivious to the opinion of others….. I have had a successful relationship with a man 7 years younger. He was 25, I was 32. Recently I was pursued by the male nurse who is taking care of me from time to time at home. He is a very distant distant relative…. We have lots in common and traveled together lots and have lots of fun. The problem is that he is 17 years younger…. We talked about getting a surrogate. We talked about marriage. I feel like settling down and maybe having one kid but I am not sure this man is the long haul type even though we have lots in common and share a lot of similar life experiences growing up and feels deep connections with each other. He said he never met anyone like me who understood him and accepted him with all his shades of grey. I never met anyone with so much complexity in his character. Not sure I should run or keep going. I am 27 years old and have now been dating a 41 year old lady. She is so Beautiful. She has a perfect body. She works out three times a week. That is how I meet her. She has 3 kicks from a 17 year long marriage that ended in a bitter divorce. I could go on for hours about how well we get along and how I think I might be a little in love with her. So we have been seeing each other for about six months. We became intimate the first time we went out. The problem we have now is that she is pregnant. Yes yes yes she warned me but I, I guess did not take her seriously. I am not sure of this or anything right now. I mean everything is good now but what about ten years form now. I mean how about 20 years from now. I like older women but I like younger women and women my age as well. I just alway thought that I would marry a girl my age and be married a couple of years before we had kids. I mean I am not I love with thus woman that is going to have my baby. What do I do. Help i am seeing a man 18 years my Jr. He is a wonderful man very gentle and kind. We have been together a year. Very happy and in love. He has no problem with the age difference but I do. He is in college and working 3 jobs. My career was successful and am newly retired. I feel he is just starting a life I have already made for myself. As it is there is no way he can financially take care of our needs even with my financial resources its tight to take care of my needs plus many of his. I care so much for him but worry about the future and if 10 years down the road will he wake up and reality hit about the age difference now be an issue. At that pt he will be young enough to find someone else while at my age not so easily. Never dated a younger man and appreciate your professional opinion. Also, with good genes, no wrinkles. For all the obvious reasons, I fought the attraction for weeks — until he won. Well, actually we both won. The 29-year age difference bothers me, but him not at all. Our relationship began 12 months ago and it continues … Very informative article, some great comments. I am 38 and my husband is 23. We met and began dating 3 years ago. We have been married or 7 months. I love this man and am so thankful that I have been blesed with such an amazing husband! Prior to meeting my husband I was married to my ex for 16 uears. He was a lying manipulative drug addict. We had two boys together. We love and respect one anoher unconditionally and our age difference is never an issue outside of my sometimes insecure moments. We are very open and encouraging to one another. I have NEVER known or loved any man the way I love him, frankly because he truly loves me. Age has never played a role in our love for one another. Anyhoo, we were hanging out as friends for about two months, and I started to become seriously attracted to him. And gave me the best sex of my life! As I said to him last night: Life is full of surprises! I am 26 dating a 19 year old. We have a fabulous relationship. There are times when it feels as though I hold the parent role though. Given his age, I cut him more slack than I would a guy of my age. I know that he cannot provide for me right now. However, I have no doubt that he can in the future. I am not sure what to do. I am moving back home to another state. He cannot come yet due to school and that he does not have his own car or enough money. He insists that he wants to get a full time job, save money an move to b with me. Should I break things off or should I expect that this could really work out. He will be 22. Can I expect him to seriously want to settle down, become married and have children? He says he will want these things but I question that because of his age. I need a lot of advice. I get really happy to find out so many older women are dating younger men because it lessens my competition. There is nothing more amazing for me to have such young love and now with the internet, I get pictures practically whenever I want them. Thank you young men for taking yourselves off the market and making my dreams that much easier to achieve. I stumbled across this site and am glad I did. We have been dating 10 years! I have two older kids he gets along with well and things were great until recently when alot of his friends started to have kids. We have discussed me having another but due to a medical condition that was stolen from us.. I love him with my soul and he does me,but what I feel is who am I to take that from him? Although he says he d rather have me over kids I deeply feel he would eventually hate me for him never having his own. Old what to do. So much love,time and history to just throw away,yet at the same time how can I be selfish and hold him back from that. I was so apprehensive to even start to date him but ten yrs later I love him and him me just as the first day.. I risked alot to date him and looks like love or not I will end up alone in this. Just talk thoroughly about kids if u enter into a Dec May relationship.. At first i was dubious meeting him as he is not yet here i met him on holiday in Egypt. He is Egyptian and gorgeous guy kind loving and vv matue for his age and i love that abt him he has his head screwed on. We have been married 2 yrs and 6 months i got married over there to him as he cannot come here yet. But let me tell u ladies out there dating a younger guy is gd you feel young as well. I go to c him as often as i can a nd spend 3 glorious weeks wiv him our relationship is great in all aspects we have gd sex life we trust each other and we understand each othe rand have a lot in common. I have 2 kids from my previous marriage, son is 16 daughter is 19 i am worried when he finally does come here i want them to accept him eventually as they have never met him. What advice can u give me on that i really want them to accept him oneday. I am 64 and divorced 22 years. I am very attractive, fit, financially secure, and look early 40s. I did not start my career until I was 50 so I am also in the middle years of a career. I have always dated younger men 7 years to 28 years. They ask me out. I was in a 25 year marriage and have wonderful children and grandchildren. I am now dating just for fun and incredible physical attraction a 38 year old man. He was married once and does not want to marry again. We are in the same place liberal, easy going, health oriented and have a lot in common. Fun, playful, and sexy. The trick to this is knowing what you need. Why would I date a 60 year old man who is insecure, resentful, wants to settle down and needs Viagra? Every young man I have been with was the oldest and alpha. More alpha than the older men. My new theory is that so long as neither party wants children and both are over 35 — we are all adults. Twenty-something men can be immature, and probably not that sexually experienced. Of course, no reason he might not be interested in a woman under 35 if they both want children. A 40 year old man who wants children should be dating a younger woman. And I hate the word cougar. As bad as gold digger. He is very keen to pursue a relationship, I am more wary. He prefers the company of older woman, and likes that I am self confident and independent. I have been very honest with him but he is still pursuing me. Im in a relationship with a guy 15years younger. Im very happy, if feel loved. Never had the plessure of dating an older guy. Im Always attracting younger man. Cant say It dies nit frustrates me. Thanks for the article It realy help in boosting My confidence and also Through the comments from others whose been in This particular relationship. I knw i should Be Open minder. Im Just taking One step at a time I am currently dating a man 25 years younger. My friends make fun of me and my kids are freaked out. But once you find an amazing intellectual connection, you just have to go with it. We are compatible intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and sexually. And we found out in that order. He lives 700 miles away for now, so we also have our own long distance challenges. I just wish my children would respect the fact that I am a grown woman and allowed to make my own choices. I respect them and devoted my life to them, making huge sacrifices along the way. Hi Daniel, I think that motherhood is very stressful sometimes and your girlfriend might be going through some tough changes, maybe at work also. Thanks Marni and all the guys that have made comments. After my divorce a year ago, I went out on a couple of dates but never felt the connection I felt with him. Thank you for sharing! I am currently dating guy that told his true age that his is 20 yrs old. When we first met he told me that he was 24 ys old. But I he explain to me he lie because he was afraid I wouldnt talk to him he stated to me that he likes dating older women that he had alway dated older women. I love his compaionship and he is mature for his age but deep down he is really young for me and he makes me feel good in all areas and not afraid to be with me I am 40 I dont have any children really have medical issues that I might not have children.. I want a longterm commitment and be happy. I constantly wonder when they will go back to younger girls. HE CHOSE THE LIFESTYLE AND MONEY, i tell my friends i could run off a statue, sigh. I have been lied to and w their tons of attempts to be used as the other woman, I have lost all faith in there being the one for me. What really worries me is the age different, how can I over come it. We have a lot in common. I found my wife on a dating website 8 years ago when I was 28 and she was 40. She had insecurity about dating me, but I assured her that I was okay with her age. Well, back then…I was. Now I am bored to death. And then she gets frustrated and plays with her sex toys. Besides, she is physically slowing down a lot these days, gaining weight, and I just want to do things and be active. Our lives are different, and it seems to be going downhill. I feel horrible because I made a marriage covenant with her, but all I think about is being with someone my age or slightly younger. Bored to death with an older woman, and wish I could start over. That is the single most frustrating factor in our relationship. He is immature… In practically everything. I have to sit and watch him make a mistake or some long winded argument about something we disagree on… when I already know where the road leads. He has a lot to learn about life which sometimes makes me feel more like a big sister than a girlfriend. Otherwise he will hold us up arguing about which direction to flee. I just started dating a guy who is 15 years younger than me. It is funny to hear that with an older man you have more chances of a good long-term relationship. In my case, I had an older boyfriend and he was cold, treacherous and lied to me…not to mention sex quality. However, I have dated younger men and they usually are more honest about their feelings, more innocent in their love, and sex is great. With young men this question does not arise, you just live the moment. Well, this is my humble opinion. I use to give my older sister grief about her younger boyfriend. I guess I was also. However, here I am 14 months deep in a relationship with a 21 year old. I really fought it.. What will people say?? Will I end up parenting him? Will our families accept it?? I took my time. We dated first which honestly rarely happens anymore. He kept asking to if we could eventually label it but i was still weary. Something i kind of meant. One day after 3 months of dinners movie nights and yes, over nights I realized ummm, I was all ready there. We are on the same level once you stop seeing yourself as an old wise woman and can See past the age barrier. You open up this door like any relationship friendship into a new person. Hes Not living the dorm life. Not some crazy kid looking to get laid. They are out there though and They exist in any age group. I dont really see him as a number anymore. Because his maturity and other characteristics dont scream juivenile. In any relationship there are obstacles but you truly can not determine someones relationship worthiness by their age. I dont own a home in Cougarville but i can tell you things are good on the other side of the fence..

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